How To Regrip Putter? (7 Simple Steps)

Wondering how to regrip putter? Over time the putter handle covers deteriorate and affect the player’s performance. But now you do not need to change the putter. To solve this problem, I will address how to regrip the putter. I divided the information into 7 steps so one can follow the lead. Plus, I also mentioned the types of safety measures. Stay tuned and follow the instructions carefully.

Regripping a putter is required for better stability. It enables the player to perform more than enough on the field. As well as changing the putter shaft cover also increases the service life of the club. Research recommends replacing the grip after every game or playing 18 holes. Otherwise, it will become a serious obstacle between the user and victory.

The player has two options for the process; first, he can go to the shop for regripping putters. It will cost 20 to 30 bucks and an hour or more. On the other hand, one can also accomplish the task at home. Do not worry; it will take 10 minutes maximum, but in this way, you can learn a new skill and save money.

Further, I explained the 7 simple steps for regripping a club. Basically, replacing the putter shaft cover is not challenging, but if you do not follow the steps carefully, you can ruin the golf club. So, read all the instructions and do not skip any step. Let’s start the struggle.

Required Objects to Regrip Putter

  1. Bucket
  2. Piece of cloth
  3. Double side tape
  4. Knife
  5. Paint thinner
  6. Masking tape
  7. Ruler
  8. Hook or blade
  9. A new shaft cover

7 Simple Steps – How To Regrip Putter

Step 1

The first step is purchasing all the above items and gathering them in one place. Once the objects are on the table, one can effortlessly change the shaft cover. Choosing the grip is the most crucial part of this step. In my opinion, traditional grips are best and provide a long lifespan. Moreover, use a perfect size, long-lasting material, and soft putter grip. So, choose a comfy and durable object, and do not waste money on local brands.

Related:How to Grip a Putter (Full Guide)

Step 2

After deciding on the grip and gathering all the tools or objects, our next step is to remove the old grip. Generally, grips are adhesive, and one cannot replace them without cutting the object. However, put the golf club in the vice and adjust the shafts perfectly. Now, begin the cutting process and ensure that you are in a safe position. Do not apply extra force; cut both sides of the club’s grip.

How To Regrip Putter

Safety Measures

  1. Wear gloves
  2. Use the blade or hook attentively
  3. Make sure one is standing in the correct position

Step 3

You have successfully removed the grip, but the club has marks and tapes inside it. The third step is very simple; all one needs is a bucket and towel to remove the tape. One can use a knife to save time, but I do not recommend it for beginners. Because this part is the most dangerous, and they can hurt themselves.

Step 4

Now the user has to add the tape to the golf club. Use double side tape and cover the handle grip area with it. First, check the size of the grip and then add a little shorter tape. More tape layers mean an extra thick grip but do not add more than 3 layers because you will be unable to fit the shaft cover.

Step 5

The fifth step is to prepare the grip. For this purpose, the user needs the paint thinner. All golf club grips have holes at the bottom side. First, put your thumb on the hole and pour paint thinner in the grip and on the retaped area of the club. The user can waste extra paint thinner.

Step 6

We are almost there because, in this step, I will tell you how to regrip a long puttrer on the club. Attach one end of the grip on the shaft. This step is the easiest, so do not hurry; otherwise, you can ruin all your efforts. Now slide the grip swiftly. The task will take 10 to 15 seconds, but if the grip is not sliding, the user must change the tape and repeat step 5 again. Anyhow, the club is ready for the game, and the next step does not require physical energy.

Step 7

Rub a dry piece of cloth on the shaft and wait for at least an hour. The tape will take time and for quality adhesiveness, wait for an hour. Plus, the double tape needs more time to dry in cold weather as compared to summer. Anyhow put the club in the open air and after the mentioned duration, examine the club properly. The above 6 steps will take only 15 minutes, save the bucks, and one can also learn the skill of regripping putters.

Related:How to Choose a Putter for Beginners?


What can I use to Regrip my putter?

The golf grip solvent is the best option. But one can also use other materials like adhesive coating or double tape.

How long does it take to Regrip a putter?

Normally, the regrip shaft requires 1 to 2 hours, but it also depends on the club’s adhesive material, weather and texture.

Can I Regrip my putter myself?

Yes, you can grip the putter at home. The process is super easy and time-saving. The above guide is all about regripping putters.

How much does it cost to get a putter Regripped?

Generally, the regripping costs more than 15 to 20 dollars.


For a better gaming experience, professional golf players replace the grips of their clubs every week. Most golf passionates do not focus on the shaft cover quality, but it impacts a lot. The grip provides stability, and in case of worn-out objects, the player will be unable to control the club. Anyhow In this guide, I explained 7 convenient steps for how to re-grip the putter. Moreover, I also mentioned the required objects and safety measures. I hope you find this guide helpful.

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