How To Throw A Disc Golf Driver?

Are you a beginner at disc golf? This guide might be helpful because it contains all the relevant details of this game and ways to throw the disc. You might know disc golf has similar rules to golf. The main difference between both games is that disc golf uses a disc specifically designed for this game, while a player needs a golf ball to play golf. Furthermore, disc golf uses chained baskets as the target point, and golf uses holes as target points. This game has around nine to eighteen holes.

The rules of this game are that a player has to throw the disc driver at the target point (basket) and then stand at the first target point to throw the disc driver at the second target. He has to continue this process until he reaches the final target point. In addition, the number of throws attempted per basket plays a prominent role in winning this game. The fewer throws increase your winning chances, while more throws decrease your winning chances. Let us discover ways to become a pro player of disc golf.

How to Throw a Disc Golf Driver Far

Disc Drivers

Before looking for tips to throw a disc driver like a pro, you must have enough knowledge about a disc driver. You might know there are various types of discs for playing disc golf. A disc is usually made of polypropylene material or plastic. You can use putters, mid-range, and disc drivers for playing the game, but there is a lot of difference in their performance.

How To Throw A Disc Golf Driver?

Disc drivers are one of the most common discs with better performance. Many professional disc golf players use this disc when playing the game. The Disc driver is comparatively sharp and more suitable for high-speed throws. In short, disc drivers are appropriate for faster throws because they are designed with aerodynamic technology.

Seven Tips to Throw a Disc Golf Driver Further

1. The Grip

The grip on a disc driver plays a prominent role in its performance. Although disc golf seems easy, you must be aware of some techniques to become a pro in this game. You must be mindful regarding keeping the average grip on the driver. Many beginners keep a tight grip on the disc, which affects the speed of the throwing disc driver. On the other hand, some players keep a loose grip on the disc, which causes the risks of slipping and poor performance.

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In short, holding a driver too tight or loose affects the performance of the disc driver negatively. Therefore, you must have a standard grip on the driver to increase its throwing speed. Moreover, a better grip on the disc reduces the risks of the driver falling in the wrong direction. If you are a beginner at disc golf, try to practice more and keep the hold on the disc strong. In addition, there are various types of grips to enhance the performance of the game. The backhand power grip is most suitable for beginners because it provides an average grip.

You need to keep your thumb on the upper surface of the disc drive, and the rest of your fingers are supposed to stay on the inner surface. A player can manage the position of the fingers according to his comfort level. In contrast, the modified non-power grip is most appropriate for players who prefer short and approached shots. The position of fingers for this grip is that your thumb goes on the upper surface, your forefinger is on the edge, and your other fingers are on the inner surface of the disc.

The sidearm power grip works best for long throws. A player has to keep his thumb on the upper surface, forefinger and middle finger on the inner surface, and the last two fingers in a curved position to throw the disc in the straight direction with high speed. Lastly, the standard sidearm non-power grip makes approached shots more accurate. You must keep the thumb on the upper surface and the forefinger and middle finger in a stretching position on the inner surface. You can choose the type of grip according to your level in the game.

How to Throw a Disc Golf Driver Far

2. Posture

Another significant factor for becoming a pro player of disc golf is good posture. You must know posture plays an essential role in many sports. In disc golf, you should keep your posture perfect by keeping a little distance between your feet. Furthermore, bend your knees a little to enhance the throw. Many professional players use different stances and foot positioning for various types of shots. As I stated earlier, different grips help in different throws. Similarly, different foot positioning and posture affect the throw and shots.

3. Hip Rotation

A good hip rotation depends on the balance of your body. The more balanced your body is, the more will be hip rotation, and you will get a better result. As I mentioned above, you need to maintain the balance of your body with the help of a good posture. In short, all the tips for a better disc driver throw are interrelated. All of these factors directly or indirectly affect the performance of a player.

To keep a good hip rotation during the game, you must keep your posture correct and bend your knees and body a little. This position improves the body’s balance and hip rotation. You might be wondering about the role of hip rotation in disc golf. Well, it enhances the backhand throws and reduces the risk of the disc driver falling in the wrong direction. Therefore, you should maintain your body’s balance for better hip rotation.

4. The Reach Back

Are you unaware of the term reach back? Well, it is the time duration in which an event starts to show the effect of individual behavior. In disc golf, reaching back means moving your hand backward at 45 degrees angle. If a player has a better reach back, he will be able to throw a disc driver with more speed. In short, you should extend your arm backward and throw the disc driver with more power to reach the target point.

5. The Speed

After reading the above guide, you should have gotten the idea that speed is the main factor in playing disc golf. When a player throws the disc driver at high speed, the disc driver reaches the target point in less time. If you throw the disc driver at an average speed, it might fall on the ground before reaching the target point. In contrast, throwing a disc driver at a slow speed makes it impossible for the driver to reach the target point. Therefore, you must have better control of your body to throw the disc driver at high speed.

6. Body Positioning

This factor plays a major role when playing backhand and forehand throws. It is because you must maximize your hip rotation in these throwing techniques. The maximum hp rotation increases the stability of your body and speed for throwing the disc driver. While performing such throwing techniques, you must look away from the target points. In short, you have to move your head backward with your body because it will cause more hip rotation, and you will be able to throw the disc at a higher speed.

7. Use Of Elbow

Proper use of your elbow is a significant step in throwing the disc driver. Your elbow is the part of your body that determines the speed at which the disc will be thrown. Therefore, you must keep your elbow in the correct position and extend it as much as possible to maximize the speed of the throwing disc driver.

Related Post: How High to Tee up a Driver?

Types Of Disc Driver Throws

how to throw a disc golf driver straight

The Backhand Throw

A backhand is one of the most famous throws in disc golf. Although many professional players use backhand throws in the game, its technique is easy, and beginners can learn it too. The first step for performing this throw is to stand straight and aim your body toward the target point. Afterward, you have to hold the disc driver in such a position that your thumb is placed on its top, the forefinger is on the ridge, and the other fingers are on the inner surface.

This position provides a better grip on the disc and increases the speed. To throw the driver at the target point, a player must extend his arm backward and keep his foot in the forward direction. Furthermore, try to bend your body to maintain balance when throwing the disc driver. Once you have enough control and grip on the disc and your body, you should throw the disc toward the target at high speed.

The Forehand Throw

The forehand throw is another well-known disc golf throw and is a bit more complicated than the backhand throw. In this type of throwing technique, a player does not extend his arm backward. He has to keep his feet apart according to his shoulder. Moreover, this throwing technique requires the parallel positioning of the feet, and a foot has to be one step ahead of the other.

The disc-holding technique is similar to the backhand throw, but its direction must be outwards, unlike the backhand throw. As I stated earlier, this technique is a bit more complicated than the backhand throw. It is because a player’s body positioning varies from the backhand throw. You should maintain your body’s balance respectively with the throwing speed.

The Overhead Throw

This type of throwing technique is also known as a hammer throw. It uses a similar disc driver-holding method to forehand throw. Although this throw can be more fun, you need some practice to perform it because it might be challenging for some beginners. You must know about the well-known fact that practice makes a man perfect. Well, this throwing mechanism also works on this fact. The more training you have, you will be able to perform this throw better.

It is known as a hammer throw because a player has to keep his arm with his shoulder. Other positionings of this throw are the same as the forehand throw. This throwing technique also provides a better and more accurate throw, minimizing the risks of falling far from the target points. It is the best technique for professional players, and a player has to place his arm with his shoulder and throw it toward the target point.

Types Of Disc Driver Throws


The above guide has information about a disc driver and tips to become a pro at throwing it at target points. You might be aware that disc golf is similar to golf. Though both games have many similarities, they differ in a few things. The posture and body balance of the players play a vital role in this game because it mainly depends on how a player’s body performs. If you are a beginner at this game, the above tips can help you become a pro in a short time.


How do you throw a disc golf driver?

Although throwing a disc golf driver seems easy, it requires some techniques. Many professional players use these techniques to enhance their performance. The most significant factor in throwing a disc driver is maintaining the balance and posture of your body.

Are lighter discs easier to throw?

Many people assume they can use any disc type to play disc golf, which is wrong. The specific discs for this game have polypropylene material which is light in weight. A lightweight disc driver performs well and has increased throwing speed.

How do you throw accurately in disc golf?

If you want to increase the accuracy of your throw in disc golf, you must keep your posture correct, have a better grip on the disc driver, and maintain the balance of your body. These factors play a prominent role in enhancing your performance in the game.

What discs should beginners throw?

The best disc for beginners is a disc driver. As I mentioned above, a disc driver is easier to use and most appropriate for faster throws. Many professional players use a disc driver when playing disc golf. In addition, a driver reduces the risk of the disc falling in the wrong direction.

What disc goes straightest?

Though many discs can help to play disc golf, the most suitable is a disc driver because it is easy to use and can go straight to the target point. It is easier for beginners to practice with this disc because it is convenient and faster than other disc types.

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