How To Reduce Driver Spin?

Are you a beginner in golf and looking for How To Reduce Driver Spin? and let the ball cover more distance? Well, this article contains details about a few tips that can help you reduce the spin of your driver, allowing the ball to cover more distance. Though golf is an adventurous and fun sport, you must be mindful of some tips to become a pro player. Golf is played in many countries around the world. Let us discover these tips in the guide below.

Many individuals assume that they only need a driver and a golf ball to play golf in a golf club, but this is not it. It may look easy, but you can’t play this sport if you don’t know much about it. One must have firm control over the driver and be aware of the tips to reduce its spin. Many golf players often complain about the over-spinning of the driver that causes the ball to spin more, and as a result, it covers less distance. In short, the ball spins high in the air, which plays a prominent role in decreasing the space to be covered.

How To Reduce Driver’s Spin?

How To Lower Spin Rate On Driver

Wrong Positioning Of The Foot

One of the common reasons for an increased drive spin is the wrong positioning of your foot. In other words, the spinning rate of your driver depends on your positioning. An average driver spin rate is around 3,000 RMPs. Hitting the ball from too close or far away causes a lot of spins. Therefore, one must hit the ball in the center to avoid extra spinning. If you are a beginner, you can use a powder, anti-fungal, or foot spray to mark the accurate position of your foot.

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Wrong Angle

Another common reason for high driver spin is the wrong angle of the player. In other words, a player’s toe strike and hell strike play a significant role in the performance. To minimize the spin rate of your driver, you must be careful about making an accurate angle that does not cause much spin. The spin rate directly depends upon the strike angle. If the strike angle is higher, it will cause more spin. You can lower your strike angle to minimize the driver spin.

How To Reduce Driver Spin Rate?

Put Your Weight On The Back Foot

One of the most well-known tips to reduce a driver’s spin is to position your body. A player must stand in such a position that the golf ball lies inside his front foot. In other words, your front foot should be at the same angle as the ball. Moreover, a golfer has to bend his body a little to enhance his shot. Lastly, the most important tip is to put your body weight on your back foot. You have to position your other foot backward and put your body weight on it by bending your body a little.

Swing Your Body When Hitting The Ball

The first step to increase your body swing is to line your front shoulder in such a position that it lies towards the golf ball. Furthermore, a player has to keep his body loose to enhance the shot. Keeping your hips and wrist loosened can help in many ways to improve the swing rate and minimize the driver spin. If your hip lies at the same angle as your front foot after the shot, you shoot the ball with an ideal body swing.

Average Driver Spin Rates

As I mentioned above, an average driver spin rate is around 3,000 revolutions per minute. This rate varies according to the level of a player and his techniques for enhancing his shot. After reading the above guide, you might know a faster swing reduces the driver’s spin, letting it cover more distance. You can simply estimate the average driver spin according to your clubhead. The following is a rough estimate for an average driver spin according to your swing rate.

How To Lower Spin Rate On Driver

If your swing rate is slightly higher than 105 mph, an ideal spin rate is around 1750 to 2300 RPMs. Furthermore, a spin rate between 2000 to 25000 RPMs is more appropriate for a swing rate ranging from 97 to 104 mph. For swing rates ranging around 84 to 96 mph, an ideal spin rate is 2400 to 2700 RPMs. Lastly, a spin rate of about 2600 to 2900 RPMs is the most suitable for a swing rate of 72 to 83 mph. One can estimate his ideal spin rate for a swing rate.

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Ideal Driver Loft : Reduce Spin On Driver

As every player has various spin rates and drivers, the rate at which their body swings also varies. Players with little swing rates should use the driver between 10.5 to 13 degrees angle loft. This loft will enhance their shot by minimizing the spin. In contrast, if a player has a more swing rate, he must use a driver at a low loft to reduce the spin. Professional golfers have more knowledge about tips to improve their shots. If you are a beginner and don’t know much about golf, you must use a driver with an average spin rate. Otherwise, your shot will go high in the air instead of covering more distance.

Angle of Attack:

Similar to the spin rate, the angle of attack is also not specific. It varies with different players, depending on their strategies. Many professional players have a negative angle of attack because they have better control of the driver and use various techniques to enhance their shots. If you are a beginner in golf, you must use a higher angle of attack to minimize the spin. Beginners with a negative angle may face problems with high driver spin.

Factors Affecting The Distance Of The Ball

Spin Rate plays a vital role in increasing the distance of your ball. If the spin rate of your driver is high, the ball will go high up in the air. On the other hand, the low spin rate will minimize the chances of a ball flying up in the air. In short, a high spin rate increases the chances of a high angle, and a low spin rate decreases this steep angle.

Moreover, the launch angle of your ball is another prominent factor affecting the distance to be covered. This angle determines if your ball will fly high in the air or cover more distance. A high spin rate and a high launch angle cause a high steep landing angle. A low launch angle but a high spin rate causes the ball to rise high and decreases the distance to be covered. In contrast, a high launch angle with a low spin rate decreases the steep landing angle, but the ball can’t cover more distance. Lastly, a lower launch angle and spin rate cause the perfect shot.

Factors Affecting The Distance Of The Ball


The above article will guide you to find out how to reduce driver spin to lower the spin rate of your driver and enhance your shot. Some factors play a significant role in causing a high driver spin and affecting your performance in sports. The above tips can help you become a professional player in golf and lower the driver spin, allowing the ball to go straight and cover more distance. These tips can be helpful for many new golf players.


What causes too much driver spin?

A high-angle loft and a low swing rate play a prominent role in causing a lot of driver spin, which makes the ball fly high in the air with a steep landing angle.

What is a good spin rate for a driver?

Although the spin rate for every player is different, an average spin rate is 3000 RPMs. If you are a beginner, it is the ideal spin rate to become a professional.

Do low-spin drivers go straighter?

Yes, low-spin drivers cover more distance instead of flying high. A high angle loft and low swing rate cause the golf ball to go high in the air, and because of this, it can’t cover more distance.

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