How To Fix A Driver Hook: All You Need To Know

Hooks are unanimously hated among golfers for their ability to disrupt the temp. As a person who has been golfing all my life, I have been fighting hooks really badly and would say there is no turning back from these. Do you need to know how to fix a driver hook? They can easily spoil your mood in the field, given that missing the target might not be the best feeling you have. I have confronted this issue for some time which has irreversibly damaged my scorecard.

Wondering how to deal with the snap hooks? how to fix a hook in golf? Do you need to choose a suitable option for a duck hook? Well, to save your day, I have brought together a brief set of tips and tricks on how to fix a driver hook with which you can choose the right posture and pressure for the correct hit. So, dive right in for more.


What is a Hook and How to Fix a Hook With Driver?

If you have been playing golf for some time, you would know what a hook is. In simple words, it is a golf shot that is hit from the right side to the target with the intention that it will curve in the air and end up on the left side of the target. If the ball curves more quickly than usual and ends up on the left side unintentionally, by a right-hand golfer, it can be referred to as a snap or a duck hook.

Hence, it is largely misdiagnosed by the golfer that lands as a foul. As a player, what I hate most about hook is that there is no turning back from it. It simply means that once you get one shot wrong, it will continue, landing the majority of your shots on the left side of the target. Therefore, it is always better to avoid it if you don’t want to be the laughingstock among other golfers.

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What Can Cause a Snap Hook in Golf?

Although it is primarily related to the swing motion, there can be multiple mistakes in your sequence that you are landing the majority of the hooks. As for me, after concentrating and focusing on my gameplay, I found out that I have been really quick in transitioning my swing. So, the ball is not getting proper time to move outwards.

Well, for you, it can also be the technique of how you are using the club. It is absolutely important to keep your club angle not directly square to your swing path. This is because it will give you unwanted impact and eventually a snap hook. Using hands actively can equally be the reason why you are landing false or duck hooks. Hence, it is absolutely important to keep all your shots slow and steady.

How To Fix A Hook With Driver in Easy Steps

Now, if you are fed up with landing each and every shot on the left side of the target and want to get rid of this, you are at the right place. Well, you need to have a proper focus on the club angle, the right posture, and pressure for consistent shots. To save your day, here are some useful tips and tricks that can help you with correct and accurate golf shots.

Always Take It Slow

To start with, you need to make sure you are taking the shots slowly and steadily. In simple words, the driver hook is a result of a quick and hard shot where you are using 100% of your power. However, you do not need to spend all your energy on getting the shots right, rather have a relaxed posture. First, it is important to make sure there is absolutely no tension in the swing. For this, you need to be light on your hands.

What is a Hook And How To Fix A Hook In Golf With A Driver?

Make the Curve Outside

Now, another reason for a duck hook is going from inside to outside while swinging the ball. Hence, if you are doing this, you need to stop this from the beginning as it can exaggerate your movement. Although it will take some time to get used to the slow movement, you can get it right after some time. This will also prevent you from jerking the club while you are swinging, which makes sure you have a stable position. Although this cannot completely get rid of the hooks, you certainly can reduce them.

Check the Grip

While there is a misconception that keeping your club firm in the hands can reduce the hook. However, this is completely wrong and you need to get a stable yet not tight grip to keep yourself in perfect placement. For this purpose, you need to have not more than two knuckles visible in order to make sure it is not extremely strong. What I do is that I usually change the grips to get the preferred position and accurate shots.

Maintain a Swing Tempo

Swing tempo is yet another reason why you are provided with a driver’s hook. In simple words, you just want to quickly hit the ball from the top which immediately minimizes the time to transition. So, in case of not have the time to transition from backswing to downswing, all you are left with is an improper and inadequate position for an accurate shot. What I usually do is count 1 and 2 to get the perfect timing for a shot. The ‘and’ part is where you have to wait for the transition.

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Prefer Hitting a Slice

In addition, players who usually do not slice the ball and aim for the left commonly face the issue of a hook. Hence, if you are stuck in this vicious cycle, you need to hit the slice. For this, take an example where you are hitting ten balls in a row. All you need to do is aim for the left as it will provide you with a perfect slicing technique and an appropriate curve to the right. This will take some time to master, yet with needed practice, you can build muscle memory and can reduce hooks, even for consecutive shots.

Never Ever Flip Your Hands

Last but not least, as a player myself, I would advise you not to engage too much with your hands. This is one of the reasons why you end up hitting a snap hook. All you need to do is synchronize the upper and lower body in a rhythm so that the ball is hit with consistent pressure. It is equally significant to turn your lower body while hitting the ball to make sure the ball swings in a proper manner. You also need to focus on your wrist to withstand high impact.

How To Fix A Hook With Driver Tips and Tricks

In the end, I hope these tricks will help you in reducing the number of driver hooks.

Final Thoughts

In the end, how to fix a driver hook is one thing that has damaged my scorecard for some time, and has been battling them ever since. Although there is no turning back from the hook, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that having the right technique and posture can make a huge difference in keeping your shots consistent. So, if you are someone who is fed up with snap hooks and needs some guidance on how to reduce these techniques, I hope this guide can help you.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do you fix a snap hook driver?

Well, there are a number of ways you can fix the snap hook. Well, you need to keep the posture right. For this, you must have a turned lower body and a firm (not tight) grip. Here, you also need to wait during the transition time during the swing, to make sure the shot doesn’t end up on the left end of the target. You are also not required to engage your hands actively as it can disrupt the rhythm of the entire body.

What is a snap hook?

In simple words, a snap hook is a golf shot that golfers shoot from the right side, and then it swings back from the left side of the target. It is impossible to control, primarily because the swing is moving extremely quickly and violently. These hooks are unanimously hated by all the golfers as if you get one hit wrong, all the others will follow. It primarily happens because of the miscalculations and some posture mistakes by the players.

What affects the start direction of your hook?

Well, there is a misconception that the mid-swing is the key factor when it comes to getting your shots dismissed or hooked. However, the club angle and the start hit are equally integral, as it has five times more impact than the actual swing. If the swing path is ten to twelve degrees and you have the club angle at four degrees, there might be issues with the pull-backs. These are reverse hooks that can be equally damaging to the game.


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