How Far to Stand From Golf Ball With Driver 2023?

Golfing posture and position make a great impact on the shots that golfers make. You can simply guess whether a player is a professional or a newbie by examining his posture and distance from the tee. Let’s find the answer to the question of how far to stand from golf ball with driver.

While hitting the golf ball you don’t just swing your hands to get a perfect shot, the whole body of the golfer is involved. You have to use your upper and lower body to provide a predetermined angle and force that results in a perfect shot. The force depends on the strength and angle that the golfer makes with his hands holding the golf driver.

The position of your hand, balance, and force with which the golf driver hits the ball depends solely on the distance between the player and the ball. The player is free in deciding what should be the exact distance between him and the ball as there is no hard and fast rule. The suitable distance can vary between individuals and can also get affected by the size of the shaft.


You can adjust your position and distance if you know the correct procedure. Luckily, here I have brought to you the answer to the most demanding question among golfers: how far to stand from golf ball with driver?

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Why Is Distance So Important?

Many newbie golfers overlook the importance of distance and usually focus on aiming and the angle that the golf driver’s head makes with the ball. But the distance between the player and the ball also plays a crucial role because it contributes to the posture of the golfer, the resulting shot, and performance.

Once you have learned the distance-determining procedure for an ideal shot, you will see the difference in the shots that you make. Being in the right position is important as either being too close or too far will damage your performance on the field.

  • If you are closer to the ball, then your shaft and handle will be in a straighter position. This will bring your hands in a position in which they are close to the chest. The flexibility of the hands will be compromised and the force will be exerted more than the player estimates. This extra and upward force will result in a shot that propels the ball upward and higher. So your golf ball might go too high but fall at a position that is closer to the golfer. This can make you get tired easily as much pressure is on your hands and shoulder area when you go for a swing.
  • If you are standing too far away from the ball, you will need to lean forward to hit the ball with the driver’s head. This will put you in a position where your center of balance will get disturbed. In such cases when the golfer is struggling to make a shot with a complete swing of the body, he might stumble and even miss hitting the ball. Luckily, even if you successfully hit the ball the shifted center of balance will result in a shot that is not very effective and long distance.
How Far Away to Stand From Golf Ball With Driver

How Far to Stand From Golf Ball With Driver?

Now that you know how much effect the distance between the player and the ball has on the performance, you might be wondering what is the ideal distance. You should stand such that your center of balance is stable and the driver’s head is behind the ball. There should be at least a 6.5 to 7 inches gap between the grip and the player’s belt.

The ideal distance and position are not set as it depends on the golfer’s height, length of the shaft, movement of the players, and desired length of the shot. But no matter how much these factors vary, the method of achieving the perfect distance remains the same.

The Correct Method To Know The Ideal Distance

If you want to stand in a position that is just perfect, neither too far nor too close to the ball, then you must know the correct procedure. There is no rocket science behind it. You can be sure of every shot that you make if your body is balanced, your posture is correct, and your arms are free to make a swing until you are in the right location in the context of the golf ball.


Here are some simple steps that will help you achieve the right distance. Scroll down to find out.

1. Take the golf driver in your hand while having a firm grip.

2. The face of the driver should be towards the golf ball to have a perfect shot.

3. Stand while facing the ball and the target should be on your left.

4. First make your hands straight such that the driver is parallel to the golf course, then bring it down towards the ball or tee.

5. Now that the driver’s head is right at the back of the ball the grip should be in front of your buckle area such that there should be a gap of 6 to 7 inches between you and the driver’s grip.

6. Your hand should be away from your chest and your chest and hands should be inclined with your feet.

7. Now you are ready to make a swing.

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What happens if you stand too far from the ball with the driver?

If the distance between you and the ball is such that you have to lean to reach the ball while hitting it then you are doing it wrong. The chances of missing the shot, stumbling, and missing the target is more. Even if you successfully hit the ball because of the less force the ball will not go much far. Leaning forward will make you lose your center of balance and your weight will add extra pressure on your legs. This will simply lead to a tiring, rough, and disappointing day on the golf course.


Don’t know how far to stand from golf ball with driver? You should be standing in a position where your whole body and driver will be making a perfect triangle with the position of the ball. The distance between the ball and the player depends on the shaft length.

If the length is more you will have to stand slightly away but in such a way that the grip should be in front of the buckle area and the distance should be 6 to 7 inches. Your arms, chest, and feet should be inclined and your weight is evenly distributed. This will help you in having a perfect shot.

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