How to Clean Driver Head? Everything You Need to Know

As a golfer, I would say cleaning is an integral part of the entire game. This is because it is important to know how to clean driver head, they can be pretty expensive, and preserving them comes with a lot of care and maintenance. Hence, given that they are used frequently, the accumulation of dust and dirt is pretty common for these clubs.

However, cleaning these drivers’ heads is not as easy as it sounds. You need to consider the material of the head you are using as well as material that works well for your specific club. To help you with the process, I have brought together a detailed guide on How To Clean golf Irons Heads. So, let’s get in for more.

How To Clean A Driver Head?

Here are some simple steps you need to follow;

how to clean a driver head
  • First of all, you are required to take a bucket full of warm water and cover the club head in it. I have made this mistake in the past and would advise you to never use hot water as it can loosen the head from the shaft and can damage its entire design.
  • Once you are done, take any gentle cleaning solution or the dishwashing cleaner and add it (preferably two to three tablespoons) to the water.
  • Now that you have the club heads in the water, let it remain there for at least five to ten minutes. This will make sure the dirt and other types of debris are completely removed from the driver. Further, it can loosen the impurities, making it easy for you to get rid of them in the later stages. If, for instance, the club is extremely dirty and cannot be cleaned by just using this technique, I would advise you to soak it for at least twenty minutes to loosen the dirt from the head.
  • After this, you are required to take each club out of the water one by one and scrub it using a toothbrush or any other brush with soft bristles. This will further remove the dirt from the head.
  • Here, I would like to mention that you need to scrub it too deeply, going from the head to other parts of the driver (including the front, back, and sides). This is because it can have a great influence on your gameplay on the field.
  • While you are scrubbing the club head, you also need to clean them with clean water again. However, it is equally important to make sure the water doesn’t go to the grip or even the shaft.
  • Once you are done, it is time to dry them with a towel. Make sure you have dried each and every part of the driver or else you will be left with a rusty and damaged club.
  • Although using a polish is optional, I would still stress it as it can bring back the life of the club. For this purpose, all you need to do is apply some steel or chrome polish and just rub it for a minute. Once you are done, get rid of the excess with a towel so that there is no grease left.

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How to Clean a Metal Wood Club?

If you are using metal wood clubs, also known as fairway wood drivers, it is important to know that the cleaning is a bit different from the query on how to clean my golf clubs. This is because these clubs cannot withstand the water for this time as it can easily make them rusty and useless. Here are some simple steps that can help you along the way;

  • First of all, take a bucket of water (make sure it is warm) and add two to three teaspoons of cleaning. solution or even a dishwasher. The water must be according to the number of clubs you will be using.
  • Now you are required to dip a brush with soft bristles into the water and scrub them gently. Make sure you are not too harsh with the scrubbing part and only use a small amount of water or else, it can damage the wood.
  • Once you are satisfied that all the dirt is removed from the club head, you can pat it dry using a towel.
  • Finally, using a wood shiner is optional, based on the condition of your wood club.

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How to Clean Wooden Clubs?

Although they are not the trend in modern times, most people are inclined to use wood clubs. However, given that they are a bit fragile and need extra care, cleaning them can be a challenging task. So, they can neither be submerged in the water nor can they scrub. Here are some steps you need to follow to clean a wooden club;

  • First, take a bowl of warm water and add a gentle cleaning solution or dishwasher. Now, take a microfiber cloth and dip it into the bowl or bucket.
  • Now, you are required to take the cloth and gently remove all the dirt that is present on the club. Make sure you do not make your way up to the shaft or the grip, or else it will get damaged.
  • Once you are done with the cleaning part, take a towel and pat the club heads dry.

What to Clean the Grip?

As a golfer myself, I have found it extremely challenging not to get my club’s grip dirty. While many people overlook it, they are absolutely important to clean as it can impact your gameplay. The accumulation of dirt and filth on the grip can also be the reason why you are unable to get the shots correct. Hence, to clean them, you do not have to do anything extra or take it as an extension of your club head cleaning session.

For this purpose, you are required to take a damp cloth. Make sure the water you use for this step is warm and has some mild cleaning solution. Just go over the grip one time with the cloth and pat it dry immediately in order to prevent it from getting rusty. Although it is not recommended for beginners, if you have not touched the grip for a long time, you can use a soft-bristled brush for cleaning yet make sure you immediately get rid of the water and dry it with a towel.

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Additional Steps You Can Do

Here are some additional steps you can consider;

  • Polishing is usually done to bring back the life of your club. For this, you need to apply chrome or steel-plated polish for at least a minute. After this, you need to remove the polish from the club.
  • Power Washing seems like a pretty good deal but can be dangerous for the health of your driver. So, if you have no previous experience, don’t bother doing it.
  • Toothpaste can also be used to clean metal or silver clubs. This is because ancient people have been using it for cleaning metals. So, if your club has some minor scratches, using toothpaste can help you well.

Final Thoughts

In the end, if you have been playing golf for some time, you would know the struggle of keeping your clubs maintained properly in order to prevent another significant investment. Hence, before you dive right into the cleaning process, you should know how to clean driver head, it is important to look into the material construction as it can make a huge difference. Finally, I hope this detailed guide can help you in keeping your club preserved for the longest time.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How to Remove Dust from the Club?

Although it is not a necessity, you still need a working and tidy club. So, once a month, cleaning the club makes sense. For this purpose, I usually like to use vinegar on a damp microfiber cloth as it can easily get rid of dirt. However, make sure the driver does not have any special function, for instance, the WD-40 uses fairy wood for which you cannot use vinegar. In that case, all you can do is rub a damp cloth on the club.

How to clean the driver’s head?

Well, it all comes down to the material of your driver’s head. For instance, if it is made up of metal, you can clean it by dumping it into the water. However, for a fairy wood club head, you cannot scrub it with a brush, rather pat it with a damp cloth. On the contrary, for a pure wooden club head, all you need to do is just use a cloth and use it to clean the dirt away.

How to clean the golf club shaft?

If you are in the process of cleaning your golf club, it is important to not ignore other pieces like the shaft and grip. For this purpose, all you need to do is take a damp microfiber cloth and use it to go over the shaft. Make sure to pat it dry immediately in order to not get it damaged or rusty. You can also apply just a little bit of vinegar if it is really dirty.

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