What Is A Mallet Putter? (2023 Guide)

The club type used to hit the ball in golf matters the most, whereas putters have commonly used clubs that facilitate short-lived and low-speed strokes. Golf putters have vast history and transitions, but most newcomers want to know “what is a mallet putter?” because it is seen in every pro golfer’s game. Mallet putters are larger in size than traditional or blade putters, come in various weights and designs, and possess a lot of merits and demerits; let’s discuss!

What is a Mallet Putter Head?

A mallet putter is bigger and was originally created in a semicircular shape. It has been evolved in recent years and now available in many different designs that we will discuss later. Golfers consider mallet putters, primarily for their better forgiveness, ideal weight distribution, and accuracy. If we compare mallet putters with blade putters, the main difference is the head. Below, I’ll share the design, weight, forgiveness, merits, and demerits of the mallet putter along with a quick guide to buying one.

Related:4 Best Mallet Putters For High Handicappers


The head of the mallet putters is a defining part that is designed in different shapes and sizes. Most mallet putters come in the following head shapes: semicircle or half-moon, and square, whereas the old-schooled mallet putters were rounded from the back and had a square front. The half-moon mallet putters are a bit advanced and are seen in many golfer’s hands these days.

Both designs of mallet putters are available in the market; so, it’s totally up to your choice, handling style, and suitability. I found ANGOLA PENTAGON best in the category of square mallet putters, and ANGOLA PERCIVAL topmost in the race of semicircle mallet putters. In my opinion, you should try out the semicircle mallet putter for its innovative design and better performance.

What Is A Mallet Putter?


Since the mallet putters have bigger heads, golfers are always concerned about their weight. To be honest, the body-to-weight ratio is something you cannot take for granted. Let me clear the myth; not all mallet putters are heavier, and there are different variants available based on the weight distribution. You just need to do some homework before spending bucks.

A mallet putter, in contrast to traditional or blade putters, has a different weight hierarchy. I have noticed that mostly mallet putters and blade putters are similar if we consider the net weight, but the distribution is what makes all the differences. In the case of mallet putters, the maximum weight is allocated at the club’s face, which is the reason why a mallet putter features better forgiveness than other putters. Precisely, don’t rush for lightweight or bulky weights; consider the weight allocation to make a reliable purchase.


Forgiveness is the element that reduces the impact of bad swings or poor gameplay. It is a kind of compensation by the design elements that lessen the influence of poor swing or play by making sure that the ball will travel straight and fast towards the goal. In a nutshell, the higher degree of forgiveness makes putters better and lifesavers for beginners or enthusiast golfers. However, that’s not a limitation, as forgiveness helps pro golfers too at times when they deliver wrong.

It would be right to say that forgiveness is the reason why golfers like mallet putters. The mallet putters are large in size and so can make better contact with the ball. They cover the shots that you miss slightly by mistake or by chance and head the ball toward the goal. Like I said before, the mallet putters are life jackets for newcomers who want to improve the scoreboard.


  • Forgiving
  • Effortless alignment
  • Customizable
  • More accurate
  • Easy to learn
  • Better distance controlling
  • Design and weight variants available


  • Not suitable for arc strokes
  • Challenging for speedy greens

Buying Guide

When purchasing the mallet putter, it is important to consider the head shape and its specifications so that it fits your eye and stroke. In my opinion, the head balancing is the striking feature here and it will be decided based on the stroke path i.e., straight, arc, etc. There are a lot of brands in the industry that are manufacturing different designs and weight variants of mallet putters; each claiming itself the topmost, but you have to be specific about your requirements and suitability.

Best Mallet Putter in 2023

The triple track mallet putter by Odyssey is my favorite in today’s market primarily for its double-bend balanced face. It is best suited for golfers that strike minimally in an arc. The advanced triple track alignment basically helps with the deliveries and also makes the line visible at the point of address for golfers. Pro players including Dylan Fritelli, Pable Larrazabal, and Si-Woo Kim use the triple track mallet putters.

What Is A Mallet Putter?


Are Mallet Putters More Forgiving?

Yes, mallet putters are more forgiving than other types of putters i.e., blade or traditional. This is because of the difference in weight distribution. In mallet putters, the maximum weight is allocated in the head which makes hitting the ball easier and delivers more lasting. All this prevents bad swings or missed balls and makes golfing better for entry-level players too.

Do Pros Use Mallet Putters?

Yes! An increase in demand and use of mallet putters have noticed after 2020, primarily when professional golfers started switching to them. Here are some famous names that use mallet putters in their game: Louis Oosthuizen, Webb Simpson, J.T. Poston, Andrew Putnam, and Denny McCarthy.

Will a mallet putter help with short putts?

Yes, they do! This is because the mallet putters are heavier than other traditional putters and so help with the shorter putts. It is evident that weighted putters are easier to handle and improve shorter putts.

Final Thoughts!

The availability of mallet putters in the market increased after famous golfers adopt them which might leave you in boggling state of mind, so to help you with that I have compiled useful information in this blog. Precisely, the identity of mallet putters is their large-sized and weighted head that helps golfers in a number of possible ways like better controlling, improving the short putts, lessening the impact of bad swings, and so forth.

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